Safeguard Measures
The Agreement on Safeguards (“SG Agreement”) sets forth the rules for application of safeguard measures pursuant to Article XIX of GATT 1994. Safeguard measures are defined as “emergency" actions with respect to increased imports of particular products, where such imports have caused or threaten to cause serious injury to the importing Member's domestic industry (Article 2). Such measures, which in broad terms take the form of suspension of concessions or obligations, can consist of quantitative import restrictions or of duty increases to higher than bound rates..
Safeguard Measures are short term measures but very effective to defend local industry from the consequences of a sudden increase in imports which can initiate price war and harm the industry by oversupply and distorting the supply chain.
To Initiate Safeguard Measures against imports it is imperative that all data need to be analyzed extensively and prepare a scenario with proper and verifiable evidences. It has been seen during the years that most of the Safeguard cases initiated against imports have fallen apart due to lack of proper research before filing of application. It is to be ensured that all related work for filing of application and research should be taken care in meticulous way to avoid monetary and opportunity losses.

YKG Team offer following services, related to Safeguard Measures:
  • YKG prove to be very handy and have proven record while analyzing the statistical data of particular industry with regard to imports.
  • Preparation and filing of application with Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) to initiate Safeguard Measures.

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